Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm two and all I got was...

A box and a pink potty!

Okay, there were actually other presents but Cameron was out of town on her birthday so we held off celebrating until later in the week. We couldn't help but sneak in a song or two, treats and of course, breaking in that potty!

The girl is two!

Seriously? Two? Where did the time go? Sophie Mae has a kind heart, is just the sweetest little soul and has a voice to match. She loves to cuddle. She loves to sing and dance. All that and she's a little stubborn, too! She's can be kind of sassy, throw tantrums, (and usually get what she wants) but God bless her, I wouldn't change any of it! I feel so blessed this little girl is in my life.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Toby was in town for a couple of days and Sawyer was thrilled! He is Toby's biggest fan! Sophie Mae? Not so much. She finally warmed up to him as he was leaving for the airport!  

Sunday, October 30, 2011


In kindergarten, my best friend was Melissa. Oh, how I loved her. She spent nearly every Friday at our house. We ate M&M's non-stop. I even named a boxer puppy after her (not sure if she is flattered or frightened by that). I was heartbroken when she moved away. Well, we reconnected when I moved back to Iowa and she came home from New York.  I absolutely adore her and her sweet little girl, Dilly. I can't help but look at these pictures and hope that Sophie Mae and Dilly stay friends forever!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Boy is THREE!

The Birthday Boy...
We found him a vintage Fisher Price Fire Truck set...He was kind of excited!
Discussing his day....
Closeup of the new People in his life....
Seriously, the balloons were big (36 inches!)
and knocking into everything!

Could it get any cuter?!
Her turn!
Wow! Can you believe that our boy is three?! We truly had a great day. Low key, as usual. We kept it simple--just a few presents (because he really has far too many toys already), some cake, pizza and lots of loving!! I had visions of giant, giant balloons this year so we hunted some down and surprised him birthday morning. They were huge and so fun. Sophie Mae was crazy for the balloons. We actually had to hide them from her--she was kind of obsessed! Sawyer got a guitar from Papa. Pretty cool and so fitting. He calls it his Johnny Cash! He also got a super loud ambulance that has been burning a hole in his heart. Thanks, Shirley! And by thanks I mean, "thanks, is REALLY loud!'

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

You Say Tomato...

Sophie Mae is insanely addicted to tomatoes. She eats them like apples, grabs them off my mom's kitchen counters--totally relentless! She is so funny! And stinking messy! My family used to call me Messy Marvin but wow, Sophie Mae has me beat, for sure!